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Club Penguin Rockerhopper and Aunt Artic Tracker 2011


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Aunt Artic

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Club Penguin Field Ops 34 Cheats

A new Field Op is now out on Club Penguin!. Report to the EPF Command room to receive your orders from ‘G’!.

We have evidece that Herbert and Protobot are
using citizen computers for their plans. We must act
Work together to search citizen computers for
unusual programs. I have a new tool ready for you to
Once you have received your orders and read them head over to the Recycling Plant by the Mine.

Once you have arrived at the Recycling Plant head over to the Computer.  Your Spy Phone will start flashing green and beeping. Click on your Spy Phone to receive your Field Op orders!
You must Decrypt the Passcode!  Match the shape on the right to decode the security.
You must be quick – the system will lock you out in thirty seconds!  Click ‘ENGAGE’ to start decoding the security.

Try not to let the colors confuse you!  It is the Shape that you are looking for!  Once you have completed the field-op you will get a message from Herbert

To: UP10K  ”Protobot!  We’ve wasted enough time
attacking the EPF’s System Defender!
Those fowl fools are better than I thought.
We need a new plan.  Send the Wheelbot to my
lair, I need its design, Oh – and stop calling
me ‘polar bear’!
Interesting message from Herbert, I wonder why he needs the Wheelbots design, stay tuned for more information!

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