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Club Penguin Rockerhopper and Aunt Artic Tracker 2011


Status : Online
Server : Searching
Room : Searching

Aunt Artic

Status : Online
Server : online
Room : Searching

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!


Before club penguin there were many games! Starting with Experimental penguins to penguin chat to penguin chat 2 to penguin chat 3 to Club penguin the game today! You may know about www.penguinchat.com well this is NOT real, this isn’t the real penguin chat, it’s just something with the same name. In the older versions of Club Penguin there were Ninjas! Ever since people have seen photos of them on the older websites they have made up rumors about ninjas on Club Penguin. The rumors are NOT true, Ninjas aren’t currently available on Club Penguin. There are no videos of the older versions of Club Penguin, just screenshots. Here are some screenshots from the very first stage, Experimental Penguins.
The experimental penguins logo
The experimental penguins logo
The igloos looked really weird, and from what we understand you could get the Club Penguin Band to play in your igloo!
Experimental Penguins igloo
Experimental Penguins igloo
You could be a Ninja in Experimental Penguins! You could also drive and work!
You could drive, work and be Ninjas!
You could drive, work and be Ninjas!
Experimental Penguins was sold to Peguin Caht and then Sold onto RocketSnail. After Experimental Penguins there was Penguin Chat.
Penguin Chat was very similar to Club Penguin they had the same rooms, but not many! The penguins looked the same, They had the Penguin Times, only it was on the chat bar. Here are some pictures from Penguin Chat.
The town was lighter in colour and it was snowing!
The town was lighter in colour and it was snowing!
The night club looked different too!
The night club had the band playing all the time!
The night club had the band playing all the time!
I’m not sure if there are any photos from Penguin Chat2, so here are some i think are from Penguin Chat3.
The igloos changed slightly and the chat bar had changed to the same one it is now.
Penguin Caht3 igloo, after they had released furniture
Penguin Chat3 igloo, after they had released furniture
The town had changed slightly. The night club was coloured better, it had stopped snowing and there was a gap either side of the coffee shop and gift shop, later to be the snowforts and the dock.
The old version of mancala
The old version of mancala
Here is a picture of the Penguin Chat login screen:
Penguin Chat login screen
Penguin Chat login screen
Now here are some pictures of the Ninjas!
Penguin Chat Ninja
Penguin Chat Ninja
Penguin chat ninja working
Penguin chat ninja working
Ninjas in the night club
Ninjas in the night club
Here is a picture of the boiler room. It looks pretty different to what it does now.
The early Boiler Room
The early Boiler Room
I think that wraps up Penguin Chat! Well after the success of Penguin Chat 1, 2 & 3 the team at rocketsnail decided to make a larger virtual world, later to be named Club Penguin. Here are some pictures from early club penguin.
The old Agent HQ
The old Agent HQ
And now the Beta Test Party!
The Beta Testers Party!
The Beta Testers Party!
Club Penguin was released in Octoober 2005 after weeks of beta testing. The players were rewarded with the rarest item in Club Penguin History, The beta party hat.
The Beta Party Hat!
The Beta Party Hat!
The first official party in Club Penguin was the Hallow’een Party, which only lasted 1 day, although the decorations stayed up for 1 week.Club Penguin has grrown and grown, adding rooms, clothes, furniture, igloos, games and 1000′s of online players! Since then Club Penguin have signed a deal with Disney and is now owned by Disney. A Club Penguin DS game is in progress with the help of disney it will be out this holiday season!
Club Penguin on the DS!
Club Penguin on the DS!
What’s next for Club Penguin?
Well that’s the brief history of Club Penguin, i hope you enjoyed it! :)