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Club Penguin Rockerhopper and Aunt Artic Tracker 2011


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Server : Searching
Room : Searching

Aunt Artic

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Server : online
Room : Searching

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How To Become A EPF Agent

Being an EPF Agent…
means keeping Club Penguin safe. That means whenever a penguin is abusing any of the Club Penguin Rules you should be the one to report him. But being an EPF agent means a lot of that. Being an EPF agent means keeping Club Penguin save from a particular polar bear, having a Spy Phone to teleport, call Flare, Recruit other penguins and earning Career points by completing weekly Field Ops and redeem them for Elite Gear! You also get to enter the EPF Command Room and VR Room to complete missions and weekly Field Ops.
How to become an EPF Agent
Cool, huh? So are you ready? Then waddle over The Everyday Phone Facility at the Ski Village.
Oh look the phone is ringing! Answer it.
A target! Throw a snowball at it. Do this by pressing ‘T’ on your keyboard and click on the target.
The screen says: ‘You hit the target! Good work! We’re looking for skilled penguins! Let’s see what you can do. Walk on the Green square.’
Of course, walk on the Green Square.
‘Run to the Red Square. Run as fast as you can. Ready, set, GO!’
Click on the Red square and watch your penguin waddle fast to the red square.
‘Thats was fast! Great Job. How well can you hide? Move away from the Red Square. Thanks. Cameras Off’. Find a hiding place. You have 20 seconds’
Ok, try to hide at either the left or right bottom column but try to be close to the walls at possible. Like this:
Throw a snowball at camera 2 (by pressing ‘T’ and clicking on the camera) for a better test result!
Time has run out … and camera 1 is trying to find you if you did hide very close to the walls and columns you should have done well.
‘Camera 1 can’t see you and neither can camera 2! Perfect!’
The Cage Trap should now be loading … and when it is ready try not to step on it if you want to get a perfect result. Yes, don’t step on it even if the screen tells you, just wait until the screen gives up.
But unless you dared yourself and DID step on it …
Don’t worry to have 20 seconds to find a way out, and here is how: throw a snowball (press ‘T’) and click on the Fuse Box at the right …
and WHAM!
Well Done! Let’s see how well you did …  if you follow all these steps well you should have passed that test!
And that means that…

you are now an EPF Agent!

Congratulations! Click on the EPF Tube Teleporter to get to the EPF Command Room!
Welcome to the EPF, agent!
Hey look above your map! You just got your own Spy Phone!
Now that you are an EPF Agent…
  • You can check back at the Field Ops screen (which is at the EPF Command room) for weekly order
  • When you finish a Field Op you earn a Career point
  • On your Spy Phone you can redeem points for cool EPF gear!
  • You can earn about the Nintendo DS games and about your Spy Phone here: http://www.clubpenguin.com/elite-penguin-force/
  • Step in the Tube Transport at the EPF Command Room to get to the VR Room. There you can see BEFORE EPF. The PSA, a secret agency before EPF was open for everyone. You can see how the PSA looked like in the previous years: 2005, 2007 and 2010.
  • While you’re at the VR Room click on the computer at the right and complete the PSA missions.
  • You can get help with the PSA missions right here under the Guides section.
  • Buy the EPF Nintendo DS games: ‘Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force’ and ‘Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force: Herbert’s Revenge’
  • Get help with BOTH of the Nintendo DS games on this blog under the Guides section

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