Welcome to Club Penguin Education we have the latest posts and cheats , guides , exclusives and more! Follow me on twitter @Lcfc1CP And make sure to Subscribe me on youtube. Btw have a great day thank you!

Club Penguin Rockerhopper and Aunt Artic Tracker 2011


Status : Online
Server : Searching
Room : Searching

Aunt Artic

Status : Online
Server : online
Room : Searching

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Club Penguin Membership Page Updated

Today Wiibob noticed that the membership page was updated so I decided to take a look at it. It was updated with many things such as,
  • Medieval Quest
  • New igloo feature
  • Medieval Costumes
  • Music Jam coming in June (MY FAVOURITE PARTY)
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Are you excited for any of these events? I sure am.

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