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Club Penguin Rockerhopper and Aunt Artic Tracker 2011


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Aunt Artic

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Think WE! Speaking Tour

Hello Penguins!

Do you want to help motivate others make a difference in the world? How about nominating your school for a tour about giving?

We've teamed up with international charity group Free The Children to present "Think WE!" -- a speaking tour and leadership program for elementary school students. 

Just like the team at Club Penguin, the "Think WE!" speakers are passionate about making a difference. They share stories to inspire YOU to take action both where you live and around the world!

You can learn more about this free program, or nominate a school from our Global Citizenship page. The program is available anywhere in English, French and Spanish!

You'll need to nominate your school before Monday, August 8 for a chance to participate in this year's tour.

Until then... Waddle On and Make a Difference!

-Club Penguin Team

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